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We're in conversation with Rolando Calderón, Oaxacan artist and visual activist. Born and raised in Oaxaca City he found his passion for art at a young age imitating and improving cartoons and illustrations before finding his path in self-expression as a teen. Today he fills his schedule with mural paintings and projects, his latest project giving voice to women in Puebla through the medium of art. 


Rolando embodies an expression of a generation, denying formalities and embracing the fluidity of self-evolution and change. For him art and expression are tools with the power to sensitize any person who steps into that state of creativity, a sensitivity the contemporary age lost on its path toward a union with insensitive technology and fast-tracked lifestyles. We sat down with him in his home and studio in Oaxaca centro to talk balance, walking ourselves into a change in perspective by an expression of his own reality.

Photos & Video by Dalí Nelio.

For English scroll to the bottom of the page.

El balance es clave, pero pareciese que es un elemento elusivo para algunos de nosotros. ¿Cómo es que mantienes el balance en tu vida diaria?


El balance para mi es quedarme en una zona de confort, mi vida cotidiana depende de la inestabilidad para dar inicio a un punto creativo lo cual permite que mi obra se desarrolle y evolucione constantemente.


El “Describete en 3 palabras”, se limita demasiado para describirnos en nuestra mas pura escencia. Cuando fue que comenzaste a encontrar los multiples niveles de tu ser interno.


Sigo en la búsqueda de mi yo interno, el arte es mi médium para encontrarlo, ya que me permite ser mas creativo, mas analítico un ser sentipensante.


Nosotros creeemos que el balance es la raiz de la fortuna y desfortuna, ¿pero tu crees que hay exista algo mas trascendental que el balance?


La vida misma!

La yuxtaposicion entre el caos y la belleza, genera combustible para la creatividad. ¿Cómo es que tu camino en la vida fue afectado por estas?


El caos y la belleza es algo con lo que me enfrento día a día, problemas, emociones, sentimientos, delirios. Una mezcla que permite desarrollarme tanto en un aspecto laboral como emocional e incluso espiritual.

Captura de Pantalla 2021-03-25 a la(s) 2




Siento que el balance como tal, aun no lo he encontrado. Creo que ese no equilibrio que tengo en mi vida es lo que aplico en el arte, esta inestabilidad tanto emocional, circunstancial, todo este movimiento en el que me encuentro, es donde lo aplico. Creo que en el momento en el que encuentre el balance, para mi todo estará perdido.


Estaré en esta zona de comfort, en la cual, pienso que no podré seguir desarrollando o creando, uno necesita de estas situaciones en las  que no esta totalmente estable para crear, para seguir adelante, para ver que tan capaz eres de hacer más cosas, de seguir produciendo, imaginando, soñando.


En realidad el balance no lo encontrado y no lo quiero encontrar nunca.






Balance is key, but it seems to be an elusive element for some of us. How do you sustain balance in your everyday?  

Balance for me is to stay in a comfort zone, my daily life depends on the instability to start a creative point which allows my work to develop and evolve constantly.


The ‘describe yourself in 3 words’ question falls short in capturing the diverse qualities we carry within us. When did you first learn to find the leveling point between the layered essence of who you are?

I am still searching for my inner self. Art is my medium to find it, since it allows me to be a more creative and analytical sensible being.


We believe balance is the root of both fortune and misfortune, but is there something you believe is deeper than or leveled with it that needs practice?

Life itself!


Chaos and beauty and the juxtaposition or likeness between the two fuel creativity. How has your path in life been affected by these elements?

Chaos and beauty is something I face everyday, with problems, emotions, feelings, delusions. It is a mixture that allows me to develop both in a work, emotional, and spiritual aspect.






I feel that balance like this, I haven't found it yet. I believe that this non-balance that I have in my life is what I apply in art, this emotional instability, circumstantial, all this movement that I find in myself, is where I apply it. I think that the moment I find balance, for me everything will be lost. I will be in this comfort zone, which, I don't think I will be able to continue creating. You need these situations where you are not completely stable in order to create, to move forward, to see how capable you are to do more things, to continue producing, imagining, dreaming. Actually this balance that I haven't found, I never want to find it.

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